High Conflict Co-Parenting Resources
Pattern Viewer
I just came across this product through the High Conflict Institute called the Pattern Viewer and wanted to share this resource with anyone who is struggling with bad behavior by a Co-Parent. Whether you are in an active custody battle or you are past your first case (or maybe your second or third), this might be of interest to you.
How Does It Work?
You upload your documents to the service and it will look for patters of behavior. This could be consistent bad mouthing, denial of parenting time, etc. They are searching for behaviors and creating a timeline of incidents. You are given a project manager and after the initial download, they can price out a cost for your project depending on the number of documents and the time it will take to review them. When they have created their report, they have an hour long meeting with you to go over the information and how you can use it to prove your allegations.
How can you use the product?
You can use it for legal purposes, with the counselors, and even in mediation or with the Co-Parent Advocate. This is perfect since often the incidents are seen as somewhat petty when they are viewed one at a time, but the patter will show a complete behavior patter which is actionable. Finally, you can help someone understand exactly what you deal with on a regular basis.
For more information, jump over to https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/hci-pattern-viewer