Should You Settle For Old Fashioned Legal Representation?
Don’t you deserve more for your money?
Do you want the same old legal representation that does not provide you with the information you need when you need it?
Tired of waiting for an attorney to call you back?
Running into problem after problem that your attorney did not help you solve?
What if you could get everything you need to get the best results possible in your divorce?
What if you could get the emotional support you need?
What if you could learn the tools to have an amazing parenting relationship with your Ex?
The truth is, I have been chasing the dream of having a VIP level law firm for years. Want to know the secrets? We have an online VIP Membership that gives you access to the tools you need for your divorce.
If you have checked out my website,, you may have heard some of my story. My grandfather was an attorney and later a Judge. He always dreamed of having someone in the family follow in his footsteps. None of his children were interested… none of the other grandchildren… only me. Having started out in the Depression, he was bartering for his services most of the time. When your clients are helping you literally put food on your table, you get to know then and consider them as friends. This was what I wanted for my legal practice — being a lawyer and a friend to my clients.
Along the way, I also had the great fortune to work for an amazing attorney who had his firm on point. A marketing machine to bring clients in the door. Automation like I had never seen to get the through their case quickly. His clients were fans! This is exactly what I have been chasing for the 15 years I have had my own firm.
There is one problem. There are only so many hours in the day. I have to trade hours for dollars. My clients were not getting everything they needed. There had to be a better way. So I hired a coach who helps attorneys and eventually that led me to the solutions I had been searching for all this time. I found Russell Brunson and he taught me out to leverage my time by writing a book (which I have), and doing videos answers questions my clients have, and putting it all in a VIP Membership area. They don’t have to pay me hourly for all this information I should be able to provide them. They don’t have to wait for me to have time to call them back. They have access to it 24/7. I am so close to having it all done. I can’t wait to share it with my clients!
Here is an example of how VIP can help —
Not sure if you will have to pay maintenance? Want to know how to structure the payments? You have a whole lesson on maintenance at your fingertips.
Want to create a custom Parenting Plan that is perfect for your kids and keeps both Parents focusing on the children first? It is possible. We have lessons, videos, Whitepapers, Resources… all waiting for you to discover what will work for your family.
Struggling emotionally over the loss of your perfect life? We can help you focus on the changes you need to make to find the best life that is out there waiting for you.
All your divorce questions answered… at your fingertips 24/7.
We also have tons of resources for you and can hook you up with additional professionals which might help walk you through this journey.
What is the best part of VIP Access?
It helps you move through your case so much faster with better results. Why? You will have all the tools to provide what your attorney needs even before they ask (if they do). You have all the information you need to make decisions on the division of the assets and debts faster or to make sure you have the Parenting Plan that works for you… not just some cookie cutter product that everyone has. Plus, if your case turns out to be highly contested, you won’t be waiting until the last minute to try to get ready for trial… everything will be at your attorney’s fingertips and you won’t spend a bunch of money having them get your case organized and ready to the trial date. Better education increases the speed of your divorce and improves your results while minimizing your attorney fees.
I have been working on my VIP online membership and it is almost ready… but I need your help. I would love to make sure I answer all the questions someone going through a divorce could possible have. So, come over to my Facebook Page and jump into the VIP Questions post and add your question in the comments.
I can’t wait to hear all your questions. I bet I have a ton of them answers, but there are always more things I never thought about even though I have been through a crazy divorce myself.
Make sure to follow me on my page for announcements for my Divorce Webinar starting in May of 2021.