What Do You Need To Say During Your Testimony At Your Divorce Hearing?

Carrie Sue Doxsee, J.D.
4 min readJul 12, 2021


You have to say the magic words to get the Judge to sign your Divorce Decree.

When you sit in the witness chair, the Judge just looks at you… do you know what to say?

Guess what… when you DIY your divorce, you need to know what to say. The Judge does not always lead you in saying all the “magic words” they need to hear in order to sign your Judgment of Dissolution.

So many DIYers feel that the Court system is against them. I talk to people who have failed the first go around with their DIY divorce, they always ask… “Why does it have to be so hard?” The truth is that the Judge wants you to get divorced. They don’t want you to have to come back again. The Judge needs to check you off the list because they have deadlines in how fast the cases in their courtroom are finished.

As an attorney, I see this all the time while I am waiting for my cases to be called by the Judge…

The DIYer is on the witness stand…

The Judge asks them if they are ready.

They say “yes” but have no clue what comes next.

They sit there with people staring at them not knowing what to do or say.

Their face turns red with embarrassment and they squirm in their seats.

The lucky ones have watched attorneys go through the drill and they ALMOST say everything… but they always miss something.

What happens next?

The Judge tells the to come back and try again.

They do the walk of shame out of the courtroom… everyone feeling sorry for them… and worst of all, they are not divorced.

Now what?

What if you could have a checklist of all the things you need to say… bring it to the courtroom… and use it during your testimony? Would that help?

I have created the Testimony Bible for DIYers seeking a divorce in Missouri.

People ask me all the time… Carrie Sue, why are you working so hard to create all these things to help people avoid hiring an attorney?

After almost 30 years of practicing family law, it still gets to me when I have to turn people away because they don’t have enough money to hire me. There are no other options out there.

The State of Missouri threw up a few forms, but they don’t help people walk through the divorce. They don’t tell you what needs to be in the forms. They don’t tell you what comes next or how the process works. They don’t help you make sure you have a division of the assets the Court will approve. They don’t tell you what you need to say on the witness stand.

My life as an attorney is built on charging you for my 1–1 time… but what if I could spend some time and create assets that people can use? What if I can break the traditional model and put out content that can really help people? What if I can help the system work for the people?

What if you could DIY your divorce on your own without doing it alone?

I spent 7 years in college and law school to learn all the legal stuff… and 28+ years of practicing family law… all that experience is waiting for you. I can help you DIY your divorce so you are not alone in the process. I can help you make the Court your ally and not your enemy in getting your divorce done. The bonus is that you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on an attorney if you have a simple, easy, uncontested divorce.

I can teach you the tips, tricks, and secrets of DIY Divorce in Missouri and give you the Cliff Notes version of the legal stuff so you can be your own attorney.

Want to know more?

Grab the first chapter of my book “DIY Divorce Secrets”.

I guarantee you that I can help you successfully DIY your Missouri Divorce so you can start the next chapter of your life.

** Learn more about Carrie Sue Doxsee and her journey to help people who can’t afford legal services at https://carriesuedoxsee.com/meet-carrie-sue



Carrie Sue Doxsee, J.D.
Carrie Sue Doxsee, J.D.

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