You Are The Hero Of Your Own Story
Believe it or not, you have gone through life and have climbed so many mountains… but that means you reached the summit each time. Reflect and give yourself a moment to be the hero of your own story.
Is this not the best quote ever! I have to say that I have not lived my life with this kind of strength… in my head. But the truth is, we all live this life of a hero even if we don’t give ourselves credit for it.
If you ever watch a movie, you know there is a sequence to the plot. In order for the writer to create the BEST MOVIE EVER, they have to create a HERO… someone you can fall in love with. But the hero is not perfect. He/ She has a journey. There is a situation, a change in the plan, a point of no return, complications and higher stakes, a major setback, a final point, a climax and the happy ending (or sad one but I don’t like those movies!). So maybe you should look at your life as a movie plot. Setbacks are required in a good story. Even harder times are a must for people to fall in love with the character and for the hero to become the better person and deserve to be the hero. So why do we think life is a Disney movie? Didn’t we notice that they have issues to overcome too? I want so much to live in Andalasia (the world of Enchanted). But hey, there were still the problems there even if it was all the Disney characters we love. So what is my journey? What is yours? Are we the hero’s in our own lives?
Every day I deal with people who are going through divorce or a financial crisis. Yet in my own life, divorce pretty much took away my soul for many many many years and there is a part of me that did not totally recover from it.
What I see in myself is someone broken from divorce… it beat me. The truth is that it has made me a better lawyer. The truth is that I made it through with my kids and still was able to take my son to football practice at 4:00 pm every day as a single mom. I still was able to run my daughter to basketball practice and then later soccer. I made it through the horror of being a mom buying her son a cup for football with a little help from my friends. I made it through 99.9% of my life being about sports for my kids… football. wrestling. baseball. basketball. soccer. I am still living it. I still have one in high school. I am not done yet.
And speaking of friends and coaches… I would have never made it without them. I have to remember that I was a good enough person and mom that people wanted to help. That should could for something. Although pretty much ALL my friends over the last 10 years have been parents of kids on our youth sports teams/ high school years teams, I did and do have people who cared about my family. Ride or die kind of people. I am so thankful for them!
Even better than that I must have done something right because I caught the eye of a great guy who said he wanted to marry me and has stuck with it for 10 years.
0MG…the drama of getting a daughter through middle school. Now not only are we fighting our own battles but we have to help our kids fight theirs. There is no winning strategy on that one.
There is this FEAR… not really knowing what is going on. Not being able to stand up like we want to for our kids because truthfully, it does make things worse.
It is going to administrators with NO help. Thank goodness for the school counselor… she was a godsend and there was no way to get through it without her. Thank God my youngest is in High School now. It has it’s own set of drama but it is nothing like middle school! Again, I feel this gave me a different piece of the puzzle to understand when dealing with families.
With blended families comes the bigger drama and we sure had it. So once again I let the situation devour me.
What do you do when you are in the middle ALL the time. You cry. You cry in the shower until you can’t cry anymore. You try counseling with maybe not much of a result. There are times you feel you can’t breathe. So now, in my head, I am a failure as a mom too… and believe me some of my family decided that was true. They had no idea what was really going on. Sometimes being a good parent required HARD GUT WRENCHING DECISIONS. Sometimes you have to do what is best for your kids no matter the personal cost. What came out of that is a wiser attorney and mediator. I can use that skill and insight to help other families. High Conflict Custody is my jam! It is kind of my superpower I think. Despite going through all of it, things are starting to get better on the other front in my personal life and I am GRATEFUL more than you can every know.
Oh yeah… and I started my own law firm and saw better lawyers than me not make it out on their own. Plus I am starting another company doing legal coaching. Nothing like having a ton on your plate.
Can’t say it has been smooth sailing or that I am where I want to be but I have a BIG vision and I get up every day pretty much at 5:00 am to try to make it happen. It takes guts to do something more than the crowd. It takes believing in that goal to go through all the hard knocks a long the way. It takes a miracle to learn new technology and do things you have never done before and is no where in your wheel house. The life of an entrepreneurial attorney is not an easy one and certainly you feel pretty much alone on the journey. I have been lucky enough to have a great coach and some amazing role models who care more about helping their tribe than breathing air. #ultimateattorney #drayeredfern #russellbrunson #jimedwards #stevelarsen #andrewstickel #brendonbruchard #benjaminhardy #darrenhardy #rachelhollis What is interesting about the online world these days is that someone who does not even know who you are can make the biggest impact on you. And the ones you do know you, care about you, and are your biggest cheerleaders… well that is a blessing you don’t feel you deserve but are so thankful to have.
What is Your Journey? Can you see yourself as the Hero?
So I would just like you to look at your life. I think we all FEEL more broken by life than we really are. If we sit down and truly reflect on it after the fact we might see the story from the outside perspective… not the one in our head. The TRUTH is that we have GROWN by leaps and bounds with each mountain we had to climb. We reached the summit! Multiple times too. If we could only really see what we have overcome and what it took to do it. If we only gave ourselves the credit we deserve. We could see that in our own way, we are the HERO of our own story!!!!!!